“Weald of Kent” Non Expert Trial 20th April 2014

With the help of Pete, Colin, Dave and Damps, Mario set a fair route expecting showers as forecasted on the Sunday. It was only at 9am on Sunday we realised the forecasted showers were of biblical magnitude so what was a fair test was made somewhat harder.

The apt name for this land is Clay Hill and the venue lived up to its name. We used the traditional sections for this land but managed to carve them out in reverse order so they felt like new sections and we used our traditional one route section “Rashers Ravine”. Unfortunately the weather on Sunday morning seemed to limit the number of day entries so we only had 42 riders. Those that sped round quickly certainly had the better riding conditions and this reflected in their results, those hanging back seemed to suffer a little but none the less most of the entries managed to complete the trial.

Conditions such as this are either relished by some or, if like me, dreaded…this is why you see such a vast difference in the scores. Most noticeably was Joan Westbrook who dragged he BSA round for 4 laps determined to finish. As most of you know Joan has not had the best of health over the past couple of years so this was inspirational to see. Sarah Bell also deserves a mention, not only riding an 80cc with smaller wheels she is only knee height to Pete Southcott so finds it even  harder to dab when called upon. Sarah won the beginner class so well done.

I would like to thank all those that helped out, mainly the observer as it wasn’t a pleasant day, this includes the lads that gave up their rides to help out. Thanks also to the Landowners Michael and Colin Millen plus our Secretary Damps who managed to get the results out so quickly.

Well done Mario for assuming the responsibility of Clerk on a very difficult day for that job. With so many guys flying around its extremely hard to make some changes to sections during a trial as all riders are on different laps.

Big thanks goes to everyone that hung about after to help clear away, including the Becks and Mr Francis. Another great team effort from the Tenterden Boys. Lets hope we have better weather at our next trial on 8th June at Rakins.

Please see attached results

Weald Non Expert results 020

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